Thursday 1 September 2016

Technological Overview of Jakin ID RFID Solutions and Softwares

Factor 1: Technologically Unique to the Industry

Jakin ID Technology provides unmatched biometric network solutions that distinguish it from its competitors offering real time, biometric web- and cloud-based ID authentication and information access for workforce management to address security and video surveillance issues, and cost control of the entire workforce.
Our business is providing you with seamless integration to your network. We give you an integrated solution NOT a device.

Factor 2: Jakin ID Technology solutions make a difference
Whilst other players are device focused, Jakin ID Technology’s key focus is to offer solutions and applications:
ID-Video that combines IP-Camera video surveillance system with video content management by ID
Smart Time, an enterprise level analytical client-server time and attendance solutions software with key focus in analysis and automated solution recommendation to the users to streamline the running of the workforce in the most cost-efficient way

ACTA-RFID: an integration of the Jakin ID Technology biometric platform with active RFID solutions for asset and property protection and tracking all managed by a single user ID

Green energy solution for powering on-off of all electronic and electrical appliances based upon the Jakin ID Technology biometric platform

Access Manager Suit (AMS) web- and cloud-based managing all the devices in the network including synchronization of users, time zones, Global Auto IN/OUT, Global Anti-Pass Back as well as Time Attendant reports such as Roll-Call and many others.

Factor 3: Serving Diverse Needs of Different Vertical Markets

Jakin ID Technology offers superior scalability and implementation options ranging from Web-based solutions for small business to full client or server configurations designed for enterprise-wide solutions. 

The company boasts of a wide product portfolio serving the ID management solution needs of several vertical markets that include government, food and beverage, banking, property management, education, health care, transportation, retail, hospitality, enterprise, and manufacturing, worldwide. 

Jakin ID Technology also customizes its ID management biometric platform according to the specific needs of the customers. For instance, in the government sector, to meet the needs of the Government of Macau, the company provided multiple Jakin ID Technology combination units. These biometric units are equipped with biometric fingerprint and smartcard technology for different departments: paired with built-in CMOS camera in Jakin ID Technology terminals for matching users to the employee database, Jakin ID Technology Sync enabling synchronization of user data from one device to others thus saving time, Jakin ID Technology Agent on IP network to collect event logs and snapshot photos, and Jakin ID Technology TA Software allowing easy management of user event logs and photo snapshots of every transaction.

Factor 4: Wide Product Portfolio and Warranties

The company offers standard warranty for almost all its products, along with prolonged warranty of multi-years available for purchase from Jakin ID Technology and its authorized dealers, respectively. Along with the hardware and software warranties, customers also enjoy the privilege to have access to software updates and upgrades. The company upgrades its middleware, firmware, and software solutions on a bi-annual basis, thus adding advanced new features as requested by its customers.

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Monday 29 August 2016

Biometrics fingerprint time attendance

Offices and other kinds of workplaces are extremely important spaces where one not only performs various official activities but also grows, learns and prospers. It is extremely important for employers or business owners to set guidelines for enforcing discipline at workplaces. Without discipline, it can be difficult to reach deadlines, complete tasks and maintain order. A disciplined workforce is also likely to be more successful as a whole than a group of undisciplined employees.
So biometrics time attendance solutions and software is the best solution for your organization.
Contact us:

Thursday 25 August 2016

Choose the Best Access Control Solutions

Just wandering what good access control can do for you? Workforce Access control solutions integrates seamlessly with Jakin ID products for one centralized workforce management solution. It is designed to leverage your existing employee demographic data to reduce manual entry steps and the chance for clerical errors.

Some Benefits of Access control Systems:

1. Electronic keys are extremely difficult to duplicate
2. You never have to worry about losing your key
3. Access control is customizable for each user
4. Electronic keys allow for remote access
5. Access control allows for history logging

Consult with us today here

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Friday 17 June 2016

Here is Why You Need Biometric Fingerprint Security to Secure Your Business

1. Biometric technology has been the most favoured ID confirmation and access control/checking technology utilized 1900's as a part of different government association, banks and money related establishments and high security premises.
2. Since biometric attributes can't be speculated or stolen, biometric systems offer a higher level of security than ordinary confirmation strategies.
3. Assortments of biometric technology that makes identity confirmation more powerful are accessible around the world; like: Fingerprint, Iris, Voice, key-stroke, Pulse, Facial Recognition, DNA, Hand Geometry, Signature, Odor, Typing, Vein; and so forth.
4. The behavioural and physical traits got to for biometric verification like iris/retina, voice, beat, DNA, vein, and so on are less helpless against harm and unforeseen changes.
5. The technology is less tedious, solid, simple to-use, hard to fashion, insignificant preparing necessity, financially savvy and gets to one of a kind distinguishing proof qualities of people bringing about precise information era and check.
6. Issues brought about by lost IDs or overlooked passwords are wiped out to the most extreme degree by utilizing physiological traits.
7. Lessened secret key organization cost and expanded ROI in zones, for example, Loss Prevention or Time and Attendance.
8. This technology is favorable position for the clients, and in addition for system chairmen in light of the fact that the issues and expenses connected with lost reissued or incidentally issued tokens/cards/pass words can be evaded, therefore sparing some expenses of the system administration.
9. In a recently discharged report, Hampshire, England-based Juniper Research Ltd. predicts that in 2019, applications with biometric validation ability will ascend to 770 million.
10. The overall biometrics business sector will increment to US$14 billion by 2015.
11. Passwords are out of date, costly and overpowering. Biometrics can be utilized to disentangle the confirmation procedure since the numerous passwords or tokens can be supplanted by a solitary biometric attributes.
12. Commonly, just least preparing is expected to get the system operational, and there's no requirement for costly overseers required. Moreover, amazing systems don't tend to require a lot of support, further cutting expenses.
13. Biometric systems are effortlessly versatile. Contingent upon the security level sought, more modern biometric qualities could be utilized.
14. Logistics streams, weapon systems, access to secured offices, PC and office systems, arranged data and knowledge could profit by biometric technology, especially with the "Digitized Army" of the 21st Century.
15. Biometrics is a quickly developing technology that is in effect broadly utilized as a part of criminology, for example, criminal recognizable proof and jail security.
16. It can be utilized to avoid unapproved access to ATMs, mobile phones, shrewd cards, desktop PCs, workstations and PC systems.
17. Biometrics may make a reasonable, determinable review trail of exchanges or exercises. This is particularly convenient if there should be an occurrence of security breaks since you know precisely who is in charge of it.
18. The Return on Investment (ROI) is unquestionably high since you can maintain a strategic distance from extortion including "pal punching," other than bringing down finance costs, precise figuring of work hours, and diminished administration time.
19. While the security is enhanced you can likewise effortlessly apply reliable approaches and methods in the meantime. And all you need to consider is the underlying expense of the biometric system.
20. A biometric system is most appropriate for commercial ventures, for example, medicinal services, common ID (eID/national ID), and Financial businesses. Numerous created nations like United States, Japan, United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Canada as of now sent biometric system for voter enlistment, national id, and national social insurance or E-Passport ventures.
Jakin ID Provides best Biometric and RFID solutions across globe, having centres at Hong kong, Canada, UK, Singapore, Thailand.

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Wednesday 1 June 2016

10 Benifits of Using Payroll Management Solutions

Payroll Management Solutions offers lots of different advantages - for the user, the employees and the company (of all sizes). This article looks at some of the most obvious advantages to expect when you make use of payroll software.
1. Employee calendars
Available with some payroll software solutions, employee calendars give you a super easy way to manage sick leave, absences and overtime. In a glance you can see how long employees are away for, whether they should be at work, what type of leave they are currently on, how much leave they are entitled to etc. It makes planning a lot easier.
2. Cost Effective
By taking control of payroll yourself and not going with a professional service, there is great potential to save money... especially once you can use the software quickly and efficiently. Naturally there are downsides involved by not going with a professional service, but these diminish as you get used to the system.
3. Tax updates
You might have missed the latest tax updates, but payroll software will help you by notifying you when these updates arrive.
4. Create Payslips
While free payroll software offers a number of the benefits provided here in this list, what it cannot do is create payslips. Commercial payroll software allows you to quickly and easily generate payslips for all your employees, and with templates you can be sure that the statutory minimum amount of information is included.
5. Reminders
Different reminders help the user avoid important tasks and to get them up to speed when they sign in to the software. This makes it easy for the user to keep on top of payslips and tax submissions.
6. Save Time
It obviously takes extra time and extra resources for a business to manage its own payroll (when compared to payroll outsourcing), but as far as in house management is concerned, payroll software helps to speed every aspect of the payroll process with a range of automated features.
7. Added Security
By managing payroll in house with payroll software, a company removes the uncertainty that comes with the sending of private employee information to a third party. You will still need to consider the security of your own IT systems however, though you can be sure with a good payroll solution will accord with the highest IT security standards.
8. Avoid Making Mistakes
It is easy to make mistakes when you manage aspects of payroll manually, but with the right payroll management solution it becomes much more difficult to make such mistakes. Comprehensive validation procedures and checks stop you from entering the wrong information.
9. No Need for Expertise
When the right software is used and the payroll demands are modest, anyone with a good understanding of IT can manage a company's payroll requirements effectively. This is good for smaller businesses that want flexibility.
10. Customer Services
In addition to software tutorials, respectable payroll software providers offer comprehensive support services as part of the package, to help with software issues or with how to deal with any aspect of payroll.

Sunday 22 May 2016

Choose the Best Biometric Security System for Your Business?

A few choices in life are too simple to take - what to have for your breakfast, when to go for a motion picture, and what to wear at work. In actuality, certain others are much harder like that of picking the right security framework for your business and that as well, when you need to choose from an extensive variety of items and organizations.

You have endeavored to set up your business. Keeping your employees and business safe is clearly of most extreme significance. You have costly products, individuals, critical reports, frameworks at your place. Simply losing everything in a glimmer is sufficiently hard! You have to ensure that your well deserved resources are monitored by the best video observation framework.

To disentangle the entire procedure, how about we take a gander at the significant tips to help you pick the Best Security System for Business.

Biometric Fingerprint Recognition Device

Analyze the location of your business!

Assess the surroundings where your business is found. Is your business in a faulty zone of the city where it gets somewhat unsafe after dim? Is it accurate to say that you are in serene region where it's protected at all times of the day? Consider the need of security cameras in view of the area and customer base of your and adjacent businesses.

Consider the type of your business!

The kind of your business can likewise help you choose the right security camera framework. For instance, on the off chance that you offer costly autos or precious stone gems, then the circumstance requests a more intricate reconnaissance framework with HD security cameras. On the off chance that you don't convey such costly stock, then you can go for a basic observation framework too.

Mark possible entrances and significant areas!

Does the passage entryway make you apprehensive? Would you like to observe any individual who enters or leaves the building? Do you question your staff for taking things? Do you think windows, entryways, air vents, and electrical cables would all say all are frail focuses and need video observation? Make a rundown of all your worries and tricky territories which require observation cameras.

It will help you recognize places where video observation is basic. At the last stage, you can introduce a modified video security framework and caution frameworks. As a case, your complete security bundle may include:
· Bullet Camera - for open air border of the building or store.

· Infrared Camera - for dim parking area or the back part of organization.

· IP Camera - for clerk machine.

· Dome Camera - for office and storage room.

RFID Based Access Control System

Review lighting on your property!

Dim zones are viewed as most loved of would-be vandals and crooks. Recognize every such region, particularly close to the doorways and ways out of a building. For spots with lesser measure of light, you can select night vision cameras and on the off chance that it is pitch dull, you may like to run with warm cameras that create pictures utilizing warm as opposed to noticeable light. As one of the security measures, you may even light up the entire spot with surge lights. In the event that it is unrealistic to introduce another light source, then one ought to go for infrared camera.

Evaluate the need and management of access codes!

On the off chance that you have an expansive number of employees, then consider appointing distinctive pass-codes to every part. This can help you to point of confinement access of all employees to limited zones. Take a note to change breathe easy to time to better stay away from access to let go employees.

Business security observing goes a long ways past a screen and a security camera. You have to secure your whole region through any conceivable way!

Make the important strides today and you'll be glad you did!

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Employee Time and Attendance Solution Software

Representative Attendance Software is a bundle utilized for following the worker attendance and time. This computerized time and attendance programming helps the association to oversee: 

  • Worker Services
  • Working Hours
  • Pay rates and in addition areas 

One of the other intriguing elements of a mechanized time and attendance representative framework is that it helps in executing and authorizing reasonable and firm pay approaches. For any little or vast modern undertaking, worker time and attendance following is a to a great degree exhausting and repetitive assignment. Prior, it was polished on paper, which was additional time expending, and the time of workers that could have been exceptional spent. 

This is the means by which a requirement for a computerized time and attendance worker programming was made. The product permits the association to make a paperless worker registration and registration framework. It likewise helps in fluxing constant representative time and attendance information with the organization's worker planning program, which progressively brings about minimizing the expenses and enhancing efficiencies. 

By utilizing the representatives' time and attendance programming, online collection parities, and adaptable and measurable work conveyance for ventures and work requests can be made easily. Different points of interest of the representatives' time and attendance clock or unique mark time clock incorporate the annulment of time cards, informal overtime, and reporting precisely the worker time/attendance to finance.
Nowadays, there are a great deal of representative attendance programming bundles accessible available. Dominant part of them uses biometric gadgets for handling. Besides, it offers unmistakable bolster amendments to the working effectiveness of organizations and associations. Electronic time clock is time-effective and can be introduced effortlessly. While choosing the right programming, you have to remember certain things: 

  • Ensure that the applications chip away at all you're working frameworks
  • Investigate all elements of the product to choose whether it will serve the business or association adequately.